Saturday, 31 August 2013

RBI Grade B exam

RBI Grade B exam

Below are the questions that I remember so far:
New ambassador of Reebok: John Abraham
Parimarjan associated to which sport? Chess
Managing Director SBI? Usha Annathasubramanium
Who heads the Women Bank?
P in PAN stands for ? Permanent
Import rate for Gold? 8%
Author of book: Development as Freedom Amartya Sen
Responsibilities of SEBI?
Top International bank in India? Citibank

Questions of GA asked on 25th August in morning shift:
1. Name of new MD of SBI
2. CEO of all india women’s first bank
3. interest paid on PPF- annually/monthy/quaterly/semi annually
4. tagore award winner 2013
5. full form of FCCB
6. central bank of Australia
7. central bank of europe
8. benefit of mortgage to banks in case of loan question about definition of money laundering much amount will be required by banks for 2014 which is declared by FM
11. soiled motes
12.Nuclear plant in Tamil Nadu is being build with the help of whicg country?
13.surcharge of 10% will be levied on the income of above what amount?
14.parimanjan negi is associated with which game.
15. highest economy is of which country?
16. Questions on IDR, SDR

1. what is the initial corpus of Women Bank Initiation in this year’s budget.
2. what is the currency of Bolivia.
3. World Tourism day date.
4. saving bank account interest decision will be imposed by whom.
5. how does demand deposits affects banks
6. What is FCNR account.
7. Details of Rupee depreciation and curb on gold.
8. Women Bankers’ Names
9. Who is Upcoming Governor of RBI.
10. FSLRC guidelines
11. Role of FSDC
12. What are market risks
13. what are different types of risks to bank
14. what type of risk is the banking data loss in computer due to power cut.
15. income tax bracket question
16. VAT is what kind of tax.
17. who are all the owners of RRB.
18. who won rogers cup women?
19. who controls the central banks of different nations internationally.
20. Project Undertaken by JICA in india.
21. rate of reverse repo compared to repo rate?
22. “Agmark” significance.
23. what is CDS?
24. Headquarters of rating agencies in India.
25. Basel 2 guidelines.
26. Basel 3 guidelines.
27. Reasons for declining savings rate.
28. What is monetary policy transmission?
29. Micro, Small and Medium Industries cap

tobin tax
animation movie that got national award
saina belongs to which team in ibl
who won aus open 2013
world animal day
world food day
aadhar chairman
Rajiv Gandhi mutual fund scheme -eligible annual income
what is stale cheque
present CRR
kudankulam is in which state
Wipro’s founder
Microsoft’s founder
what tax is applied – selling a house

    what is the initial corpus of Women Bank Initiation in this year’s budget.
    what is the currency of Bolivia.
    World Tourism day date.
    saving bank account interest decision will be imposed by whom.
    how does demand deposits affects banks
    What is FCNR account.
    Details of Rupee depreciation and curb on gold.
    Women Bankers’ Names
    Who is Upcoming Governor of RBI.
    FSLRC guidelines
    Role of FSDC
    What are market risks
    what are different types of risks to bank
    what type of risk is the banking data loss in computer due to power cut.
    income tax bracket question
    VAT is what kind of tax.
    who are all the owners of RRB.
    who won rogers cup women?
    who controls the central banks of different nations internationally.
    Project Undertaken by JICA in india.
    rate of reverse repo compared to repo rate?
    “Agmark” significance.
    what is CDS?
    Headquarters of rating agencies in India.
    Basel 2 guidelines.
    Basel 3 guidelines.
    Reasons for declining savings rate.
    What is monetary policy transmission?
    Micro, Small and Medium Industries cap.

    Present Repo rate by RBI.
    In which year did RBI issue last banking license.
    On which day 'No Tobacco Day' is celebrated?
    Percentage of FDI in banking sector.
    What is ECGC?
    Present head of World Bank.
    Banking Ombudsman's function.
    Who manage Brown ATM?
    Who is the present President of Pakistan?
    First woman bank of India.
    One question from Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR).
    Who issue Treasury Bill?
    Number of members of OECD at present.
    What is saving deposit?
    Minimum years for Public Provident Fund (PPF). (Ans-15 years)
    What is FIPB (Foreign Investment Promotion Board)?
    Distribution of income between state and central government is decided by?
    What is the expected GDP growth for the year 2013-14?
    Meaning of DEBT Trap.
    What is the minimum capital paid by new banks for banking license? (Ans-500 crore)
    One question on recession. etc.

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