Accumulator : Electrical energy is stored
Altimeter : Used in aircraft for measuring altitudes
Ammeter : Measuring the electrical current in amperes
Anemometer : Measuring the strength of winds
Audiometer : Measuring intensity of wind

Barometer : Measuring atmospheric pressure
Binocular : An optical instrument designed for magnified view of distant objects by both eyes
Cardiogram : For recording the heart movements
Calorimeter : Measuring of quantities of heat
Chronometer : A clock that keeps very accurate time as the one that is used to determine longitude at sea.
Clinical Thermometer : A thermometer for measuring the temperature of human body.
Colorimeter : An instrument for comparing intensities of colour.
Commutator : An instrument to change or remove the direction of an electric current, in dynamo
used to convert alternating current into direct current.
Computer : A technical device designed to find instantaneous solutions of huge complex calculations
based on the information already fed.
Crescograph : For recording the growth of plants
Cyclotron : Studying the properties of atoms by smashing them

Drinker’s Apparatus : To help breathing in infantile paralysis
Dynamo : A device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy
Dynamometer : An instrument for measuring the electrical power.

E.C.G. : Device to diagnose heart disfunctioning
E.E.G. : To diagnose disorder in the human brain
Electroscope : An instrument for detecting the presence of electric charge.
Eudiometer : Measuring volume changes in chemical reaction between gases

Fathometer : Measuring depth of the ocean

Galvanometer : For detecting and measuring electric current
Geiger Muller Counter : An instrument for detecting and counting atomic particles and radiations

Hydrometer: For determining the specific gravity of liquids
Hygrometer: For measuring the amount of water vapours

Iron Lung : For artificial respiration
Lactometer : For determining the purity of milk

Manometer : To measure gas pressure
Micrometer : For accurately measuring small distance or angles
Microscope : An instrument for magnified view of very small objects.

Odometer : The distance covered by a wheeled vehicle is recorded
Oscillograph : For recording electrical or mechanical vibrations

Periscope : It is used in submarine to survey the ships etc., on the sea while the submarine is under water
Phonograph : For reproducing sound
Photometer : An instrument for comparing the luminous intensity of the sources of light
Plantimeter : A mechanical integrating instrument to measure area of a plane surface.
Pyrometer : For measuring high temperature from a distance
Pyknometer : An instrument used to measure the density and coefficient of expansion of a liquid

Quadrant : An instrument for measuring altitudes and angles in navigation and astronomy
Quartz Clock : A highly accurate clock used in astronomical observations and other precision work

Radar : Radio, angle, detection and range is used to detect the direction and range of an approaching aeroplane by means of radio micro waves
Radiometer : An instrument for measuring the emission of radiant energy
Radio Micrometer : An instrument for measuring heat radiations
Rain Guage : An instrument for measuring rainfall
Rectifier : An instrument used for the conversion of AC into DC.
Refractometer : An instrument used to measure the refractive index of a substance
Resistance Thermometer : Used for determining the electrical resistance of conductors

Salinometer : A type of hydrometer used to determine
the concentration of salt solutions by measuring their densities
Seismometer (Seismograph) : An Apparatus for measuring and recording earthquake shock
Sextant : For guiding ships or surveying land.
Spectroscope: An instrument used for spectrum analysis
Speedometer : It registers the speed at which the vehicle is moving
Spherometer : For measuring curvature of surfaces
Sphygmomanometer : An instrument used to detect blood pressure in a human body.
It is also called B.P.Apparatus
Sphygmophone : Instrument with the help of which, a pulse beat makes a sound
Spring Balance : Useful for measuring weight
Stethoscope : To hear and analyse movements of heart and lungs
Stop Watch : Recording small intervals of time in the races
Stroboscope : An instrument used for viewing the
objects moving rapidly with a periodic motion and to see them as if they were at rest.

Tachometer : For measuring speed of aeroplanes and motor boats
Tangent Galvanometer : An instrument for measuring the strength of direct current.
Telemeter : For recording physical events happening at a distance
Teleprinter : A machine which records automatically messages received on telephone wires
Telescope : For viewing distant objects
Television (T.V.) : For transmitting the visible moving images by means of wireless waves.
Theodolite : Measuring distances on the surface of the earth
Thermometer : For recording temperature of a human body
Thermocouple : Measuring temperature
Thermostat : Automatically controlling the temperature to a particular degree
Transformer : To convert high voltage to low and vice versa
Transistor : A small device which may be used to amplify currents and perform
other functions usually performed by a thermionic valve
Vernier : An adjustable scale for measuring small sub divisions of scale
Viscometer : For measuring viscosity
Voltmeter : To measure potential difference between two points
ZETA : Zero Energy Thermometer Assembly for developing thermonuclear Assembly.

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